- Fundo09.1 - Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
- Série3 - Photographs
- Dossiê/Processo24 - 1974 slides
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- Item57 - Artifact #10691 (rope) in situ - unit J8 from east
- Item58 - Overview showing perishables in level 21 unit M9 - #10666 (rope) from east
- Item59 - Crew (David and Penny) excavating perishables in M9
- Item60 - Overview level 21 1.72 B.L.D. 98.80 Unit M9 showing #10672
- Item61 - Artifact #10675 in situ - unit M9 from south
- Item62 - Artifact #10677 in situ - unit M9 from south
- Item63 - Artifact #10743 (canoe bailer) in situ - unit M9 from west
- Item64 - Artifact #10743
- Item65 - Artifacts #10689 (weir stake) and #10690 (basket)
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