


Anmerkung(en) zur Eingrenzung

Anmerkung(en) zur Herkunft

Anmerkungen zur Ansicht

Equivalente Begriffe


Verbundene Begriffe


54 Ergebnisse für Artifacts

44 Ergebnisse mit direktem Bezug Engere Begriffe ausschließen

Report on DhRt 5

This item is a paper written as part of coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden at the University of British Columbia. This paper describes the site and excavation and includes artifact lists and photographs.

Gregory Milne

Artifacts in situ

This image shows artifacts DhRt-4: 10137 (a basket) and DhRt-4: 10138 (cordage) in situ in Unit L9 with scale. Image is taken from the east.

Ergebnisse: 1 bis 20 von 54