- Fonds09.1 - Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
- Series3 - Photographs
- File24 - 1974 slides
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- Item29 - Artifact #10322
- Item30 - Overview of perishables in NW quad - Unit Artifact #10319 - rope -
- Item31 - Overview showing intrusions: Unit I9 Level 10: 1.13 B.L.D. 99.30 from West
- Item32 - Crew excavating perishables Unit:L9 from south
- Item33 - Crew excavating intrusions in I9 from west
- Item34 - Overview: North hlaf of unit L9
- Item35 - Artifact #10331 in situ - Level 23 Unit L9 from South
- Item36 - Artifact #10335 in situ - Unit L9 (Level 23) from South
- Item37 - Artifact #10331
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