- Fondos17.1 - DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
- Séries03 - Photographs
- Dossiê31 - DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides
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- Item303 - G point in situ
- Item304 - Close up of G point in situ
- Item305 - View E; hearth in G2 in foreground
- Item306 - Close-up of hearth in G2
- Item307 - Digging in rain
- Item308 - Peter Harrison profiling under a plastic shelter
- Item309 - View across Fraser to CPR side. From north of twin tunnels Note fishrack
- Item310 - View, from N of Twin Tunnels, across Fraser to CPR side. Note fish rack.
- Item311 - View across Fraser [from N of Twin Tunnels] to CPR side Note fish racks
- 91 more...