General - crew water - digging in n 4-6 e 16-18
General - crew water - digging in n 4-6 e 16-18
Crew excavating perishables in L9
Exhibit set up for kids on reserve
General - crew with "find" on fraser river bant
Profile: e-10 (n2-4) unit: n2 4 e10 12 east wall
Profile: e-10 (n2-4) unit: n2 4 e10 12 north wall
Crew excavating perishables in J9
Exhibit set up for kids on reserve
Basket # 8571 in situ in unit n 4-6 e 16-19
Crew excavating perishables in J9
Wood feature in SE corner of unit N(2-4) E(16-18) 1
Profile: e-4 (s 10-12) unit: s 10-12 e 4-6 west wall
Profile: e-4 (s 10-12) unit: s 10-12 e 4-6 east wall
Profile: n-12 (e 18-20) unit: n 12-14 e 18-20 south wall