View to W, at W 30'. Trench floor at D=R3/3'6"
- 2.1-01-06-25
- Item
- August 16, 1949
This image shows the stratigraphy in one section of the trench. Grid is aligned vertically and and a ruler is aligned horizontally across the top of the trench.
View to W, at W 30'. Trench floor at D=R3/3'6"
This image shows the stratigraphy in one section of the trench. Grid is aligned vertically and and a ruler is aligned horizontally across the top of the trench.
This image shows three screening stations set up next to the trench. Trench is excavated through a knoll. The crew is sitting on top of the knoll in the upper right corner of the image.
Screens at W - end of trench I. View to W
This image shows three screening stations set up next to the excavated trench.
This image shows an archaeological crew taking a break inside a trench.
View, to SW, from above, of Milliken site
This image shows an archaeological crew working in a trench.
This image shows an archaeological crew sitting next to a trench.
Progress shot, upper horizons, east of 59 trench, view W
This image shows an archaeologist brushing in a trench.
Progress shot, upper horizons, east of 59 trench view to NE
This image shows two men working on a trench and one man, in the background, at a screening station.
Progress shot, area east of 59 trench, view to N
This image shows four men working in an excavation unit.
Progress shot, area east of 59 trench, view to NE
This image shows four men working in an excavation unit and two men working at a screening station in the background.
Progress shot, area east of 59 trench, view to NE
This image shows five men working in an excavation unit and one man working at a screening station in the background.
DjRi 3 - Milliken site, Fraser Canyon, British Columbia. View, looking south, of work in progress
This image shows a profile and three men working in an trench.
This image shows a profile and two men working on an excavation unit.
This image shows a trench and a gravel removal ramp.
Miliken site - view along top of 59 trench to south
This image shows the excavation of trench with equipment scattered along edge. Three men are working: two at screening stations, one with a shovel.
Miliken site - view along top of 59 trench to north
This image shows the excavation of trench with equipment scattered along edge. Two men are working, one with a shovel and one at a screening station.
This file contains records related to one roll of film. Images show the close up of stratigraphy and crew working in a trench.
This file contains records related to one roll of film. Images show the stratigraphy of the excavation.
General view, to E, of work in progress
This image shows a profile and three men digging in a trench.
General view, to E, of work in progress
This image shows three men digging in a trench.