EU1 - floor plan of level 20-30cm - layer A
- 4.2-03-01-016
- Item
- 10 June 1980
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
EU1 - floor plan of level 20-30cm - layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
EU1 - floor plan of level 10-20cm - layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
Trench showing top of layer B in EU 1, 2, and 3
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
EU2 - floor plan of level 0-10cm/layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation. Three of four units are showing in the photograph.
Trench with at least 10 cm removed
This item is a photograph showing excavation of trench. Trench is divided into four units.
EU1 - floor plan of Level 0-10cm / layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation of unit 1.
EU4 - floor plan of Level 0-10cm / layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation unit 4 with grass removed.
R.G. Matson
This item is a photograph showing a close-up of the trench with grass removed.
R.G. Matson
This item is a photograph showing the trench with grass removed.
R.G. Matson
EU4 - floor plan of Level 0-10cm / layer A
This item is a photograph showing excavation unit 3..
View, to West, from above, work on G horizon
This image shows three people working in excavation.
View, to east, from above, of work in progress on lower horizons
This image shows four men working in excavation.
View, to E, from above, of work on G horizon
This image shows three men excavating. Stratigraphy of wall visible in background.
This image shows two men excavating. The image also shows the profile of the excavation site.
This image shows two archaeologists excavating.
View, to west, showing work in progress
This image shows one man excavating while one man draws profile.
This image shows excavation from a distance.
View, from above and to North, showing work in progress
This image shows three men working in an excavation unit with tools and a screening station.
View, from above and to North, showing work in progress
This image shows three men working in an excavation unit with tools and a screening station.
This image shows the surrounding landscape and three men working left of a trench.