View NE showing excavation and ramp
- 17.1/03/31/231
- Pièce
- [1960]
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men working on a trench, one scaling a profile and one on a gravel removal ramp.
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View NE showing excavation and ramp
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men working on a trench, one scaling a profile and one on a gravel removal ramp.
View north along 59 trench showing excavation to east
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows four men on top of a trench and two men standing on a gravel removal ramp.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows four men working on an archaeological feature.
Work in progress - east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows seven archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
Work in progress - east of 59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows six archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
Work in progress east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows seven archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
Work in progress east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows seven archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
View down on excav. of surface zones in area east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows six archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
View down on excav. of surface zones in area east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows five archaeologists working in an excavation unit with a screening station in the background.
View down on excav. of surface zones in area east of '59 trench
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows five archaeologists working in an excavation unit.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows a cross-section of the trench. A man is standing in the trench drawing a profile map. The image is out of focus.
View to NE, trench I S face, west end
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows a close-up of the trench wall.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows a close-up of the trench wall.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross section of the trench. Man is standing in trench drawing profile map. Image is not in focus.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross section of the trench. Image is blurred. Man is standing next to screen.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross section of the trench.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross section of the trench. A man is sitting in the trench drawing a profile map.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross section of the trench. A man is standing in the trench drawing a profile map.
G Cheney, R Heglar finishing 3rd level
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows two men finishing the excavation of the 3rd level while two others look on.
View to W, Trench I at W 30' (cross-section)
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the cross-section of the trench.