- 4.2-03-01-090
- Pièce
- 1 July 1980
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the four trenches from a distance. The UBC archaeology truck is parked to the left.
R.G. Matson
87 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the four trenches from a distance. The UBC archaeology truck is parked to the left.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the area south of the trenches. A golf course is in the background.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the four trenches from a distance. One person stands near the trenches. The photograph log indicates that this frame is blank.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the four trenches from a distance. One person stands near the trenches. The UBC archaeology truck is parked to the left.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the four trenches. The UBC archaeology truck is parked to the left. One person stands near the trenches.
R.G. Matson
Overview of site south of trenches
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the area south of the trenches. The UBC archaeology truck is parked to the left. The golf course is shown in the background.
R.G. Matson
Overview of trenches and N of site
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the four trenches dug with backhoe. It also shows the area north of the site.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the four trenches dug with backhoe. One person stands near the trenches. UBC Archaeology truck parked to the right.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile in excavation unit 4.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile in excavation unit 4. Profile is mostly in shadow.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing trench 42 east at a depth of 60 cm. Photograph shows large sandy deposit.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing trench 42 east at a depth of 60 cm. Photograph shows changes in soil.
EU 1, 2, 3 + 4 excavation completed
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the completion of excavation units 1-4.
EU 1, 2, 3 + 4 excavation completed
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the completion of excavation units 1-4.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing a trench being dug by a bulldozer.
Trench 8N 46E cut #2 hitting sterile
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing a trench dug by a bulldozer. R.G Matson and two people appear in the photograph.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing a trench dug by a bulldozer. Two people appear in the photograph.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing a trench dug by a bulldozer.
EU4 floor plan of layer D / level 50-60 in south half of unit
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing excavation unit 4.