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95 Results for Place Names

The Archaeology of Central British Columbia

This file contains several draft versions of a manuscript on the archaeology of Central British Columbia. The text specifically discusses the archaeological sites identified by Sewell along the Nechako River, Stuart River, Chunlac [Chinlac] Villag...

M.S.S. re: 1947 + 1948 - Archaeological Search

File contains a draft manuscript of Sewell's self-directed archaeological surveys in British Columbia during 1947 and 1948. Specific areas that he discusses include Cluculz Lake, Tachick Lake, Nulki Lake, Stony Creek, Nechako River, Stuart Ri...

Archaeological Notes for Future Reference

File contains draft writings on the archaeology of British Columbia, with specific reference to archaeological sites and indigenous peoples living around Vanderhoof, Fort Ware, Stuart River, Fraser Lake, Sinkut Lake, Tachick Lake, Takla Lake, Ston...

Jack Sewell fonds

  • LoAA33
  • Archief
  • 1903 - 2009; Predominant 1935 - 1953

The Jack Sewell fonds contains the creator's unpublished manuscripts, field notes, and writings on North American stone tool typologies, the peopling of North America, flint knapping techniques, the archaeology of Central British Columbia, an...

John Henry "Jack" Sewell

Administrative Files

This series consists of correspondence with Musqueam regarding a request for a permit amendment and also includes an interim report for the archaeological impact assessment of a residential property at [address withheld] in Vancouver, which falls ...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Personal Notebook

This file consists of Alan Bryan’s personal notebook in which he documented the day-to-day activities of his crew and travels for surveys and excavations at the Whalen Farm Site, Chunlac [Chinlac] Village, and the Nechako River.

Alan Lyle Bryan

The Great Fraser Midden Booklets

This file contains two booklets, one published in 1938 and another published in 1948, both titled “The Great Fraser Midden”. Both booklets were published by the Vancouver Art, Historical and Scientific Association and include information about arc...

Profile Map of Marpole Site

This file contains a single profile map of the Marpole site showing layers of rock and soil. The map is dated Saturday July 16, 1955 and has the name J. Du Varney written in the top right corner

Duotang Notebook

This file contains a blue duotang with inserted notebook pages holding various maps, photographs, reports, and notes. The first section of the duotang consists of maps and other related materials to Ellis Pryce-Jones’ trip to France. The second pa...

Ellis Pryce-Jones

Fraser Midden Sites Miniature Notebook

This file contains a miniature Great-West Life Assurance Company branded notebook, with Ellis Pryce-Jones notes concerning archaeological work in the Marpole area and on Ernie Burnett’s property.

Ellis Pryce-Jones

Marpole Artifact List Notebook

This file contains a thin soft-cover notebook titled “Artifact List (No Details)”. Artifacts listed in this notebook are all recorded to be from the Marpole neighbourhood area.

Ellis Pryce-Jones


This series includes the personal notebooks of Ellis Pryce-Jones, which include information about his time at the excavations of what was then called the Marpole Midden and/or the Great Fraser Midden. Some notebooks also record artifacts recovered...

Ellis Pryce-Jones

Resultaten 81 tot 95 van 95