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DgRr-1 Crescent Beach project fonds
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This file contains images taken during archaeological work at the Crescent Beach site. These images were taken on several cameras, using black and white film and colour slide film. Images contain shots of the excavations, burials, crew, equipmen...

Camera A black and white images 1990

This file contains images taken on camera A during 1990 at archaeological site DgRr-1 Crescent Beach. Images show mostly excavation units at the different layers and levels. This file contains two rolls of negatives one has an accompanying log a...

DgRr-1 Crescent Beach colour slides

This file contains nine rolls of flim. Each roll is accompanied by a log detailing the date, subject of image, direction, and photographer. These rolls contain images showing the units exposed at each layer.

Crescent Beach Archaeological Project


This file contains maps collected and drawn during the Crescent Beach Archaeological Project. Maps include floor plans and topographic maps.


This file contains 6 hand drawn plan maps, 2 plans traced in ink on tracing paper, and 5 drafts of a plan map generated on computer and printed with annotations in pencil.

Miscellaneous Maps

This file contains maps relating to the Crescent Beach Archaeological Project. These maps were contained in a file together without title or obvious relation to each other. Maps include hand drawn topographic maps on paper and tracing paper, as ...

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