Affichage de 81 résultats

Description archivistique
Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-6 project fonds
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51 résultats avec documents numérisés Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Locarno Beach I

This file contains a copy of a field notebook written in journal form. Entries detail the work being done each day, including units, references to photographs taken, and observations.

Charles E. Borden

Locarno Beach II

This file contains a copy of a notebook detailing the work done at the site each day. Entries identify which excavation units are being worked, and also references to the photographs being taken.

Charles E. Borden

Artifact catalogue

This series contains artifact catalogues created from artifact found during work at the Locarno Beach Site during Dr. Charles Borden project (1947-1948, 1966) and for a project conducted by Heather Pratt (1989-1990)

Locarno Beach slides

This file contains glass slides showing the landscape, trenches, and burial. The photographs are from seven different rolls of film that have been selected and arranged together in this file. The original negatives exist elsewhere in this series...

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 81