Borris, Cindy, and Terri excavating trench
- 4.2-03-01-036
- Item
- 23 June 1980
This item is a photograph showing three members of the crew working.
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Borris, Cindy, and Terri excavating trench
This item is a photograph showing three members of the crew working.
Trench 8N 46E cut #2 hitting sterile
This item is a photograph showing a trench dug by a bulldozer. R.G Matson and two people appear in the photograph.
This item is a photograph is showing the four trenches dug with backhoe. One person stands near the trenches. UBC Archaeology truck parked to the right.
R.G. Matson
Sorting through matrix. R.G., Cindy, Randy, Ruth
This item is a photograph showing four people sorting and cataloging matrix . R. G. Matson appears furthest from the camera.
This item is a photograph showing three people sitting along side of the trench.