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Lions Gate Crossing Project fonds File
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DhRs-305 Negatives and Photo Log

This file consists of 22 black and white 35 mm acetate negatives displaying culturally modified trees and other features associate with the DhRs-305 site. Two copies of the photographic record are included.

Sheila J. Minni

Print Photographs

This file consists of 20 print photographs of various aspects of the fieldwork and locations studied as part of the Lions Gate Crossing project, as well as an image of one of the crew members.

Sheila Minni

Catalogue Sheet Notes

This file contains notes detailing the belongings (artifacts) found at each archaeological site (Borden number is included) within the Lions Gate Crossing Project. Sites listed are: DhRs-2, 3, 275, 301, and 303. Notes include information on the pr...

Sheila Minni

LOA and Sheila Minni Correspondence

This file contains letters written to and from LOA and Sheila Minni regarding the LOA acquisition of material from the Lions Gate Crossing Project. It also contains one page of paperwork regarding the deposit to LOA.

Sheila Minni