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Archivistische beschrijving
Locarno Beach Site - DhRt-6 Project fonds: 1995 [I.R. Wilson]
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Locarno Beach Site - DhRt-6 Project fonds: 1995 [I.R. Wilson]

  • LoAA12-4
  • Archief
  • 1995; 2002

This fonds contains textual records and 1 CD which contains the records in digital format related to the mitigation program conducted under HCA permit 1995-0023 by I.R. Wilson Consulting Ltd. at [address withheld]. The project area is located with...

I. R. Wilson Consultants Ltd.

Field Notes

This series consists of field/monitoring notes taken during the archaeological mitigation program conducted by I.R. Wilson under HCA permit 1995-0023 at [address withheld], Vancouver which falls within the DhRt-6 site boundaries. Field notes were ...

Field Notes

This file consists of a copy site paving and general building plan along with monitoring/field notes and observations during the archaeological mitigation program conducted by I.R. Wilson at [address withheld]Field notes were also received digital...

Excavation Units

This series consists of archaeological excavation forms which include: units 1-6 from the archaeological mitigation program conducted by I.R. Wilson at [address withheld] (DhRt-6) in March 1995.This series has been arranged into 2 files, located ...