Showing 477 results

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DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
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373 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Leica 59.V

This file contains records related to one roll of film. Images show the close up of stratigraphy and crew working in a trench.

Extens. Dept DjRi-3

This file contains images taken on 4 x 5 format black and white negatives. Images were printed by the Department of Extension at the University of British Columbia. Some prints have been annotated on verso. Images show the landscape, excavation...

Leica 60.I

This file contains one film strip and the logs for two rolls of film. Images were poorly exposed and only a few images are viewable. The images that are viewable show crew working in an excavation unit.

Leica 60.II

This file contains the records relating to one roll of film. Images show mostly burials and some images of the camp. The prints in this file were created from the negatives.

Leica 60.III

This file contains the records relating to one roll of film. Images show the archaeological site, burials, and excavations in progress.

Leica 60.IV

This file contains the records relating to one roll of film. Images show the archaeological site, close-ups of stratigraphy and features, post-holes, and excavations beginning in horizon "E".

Leica 60.V

This file contains the records relating to one roll of film. Images show the excavation units, artifacts in situ, and and the site from above.

Extens. Dept. 1960

This file contains images of the archaeological site and excavations taken on black and white 4x5 format film. Prints were made at the Department of Extension, University of British Columbia on August 17, 1960. The prints are created from the ne...

Results 21 to 40 of 477