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File Artifacts--Basketry
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DhRt-4 mamiya 1973-VI

This file contains the images from the sixth roll of film taken with the Mamiya camera in 1973. Images show burials, and basketry emerging from a wetsite. In addition, the file contains a photograph log, and contact sheet produced from the negat...

DhRt-4 MuNE mamiya 1973-VII

This file contains images taken on the seventh roll of film used in the Mamiya camera in 1973. The images in this file include shots of artifact DhRt-4: 8571, burials, and profiles of excavation units. In addition this file contains a photograph...

DhRt-4 MuNE mamiya 1973-VIII

This file contains images taken on the eighth roll of film taken with the mamiya camera during 1973. Images include shots of artifact numbered DhRt-4: 8881, profiles of excavation units, and general shots of the crew working with the basketry. I...

DhRt-4 MuNE leica 1974-II

This file contains images taken on the second roll of film with the Lecia camera in 1974. Images include shots of the crew working, artifacts DhRt-4: 10036, 10032, 10132, 10136, 10137, 10140, 10243, 10249, 10302-10305, and 10039, burials, overvie...

DhRt-4 MuNE leica 1974-V

This file contains images taken on the fifth roll used in the Leica camera in 1974. Images include artifact numbers DhRt-4: 10737, 10744-45, and overviews of excavation units. In addition this file contains a photograph log and contact sheet pro...

1973 slides

This file contains film rolls A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J from 1973. These rolls contain images of the landscape, profile of excavation units, crew, artifacts, and burials.

MuNe DhRt-4

This file contains at least four different rolls of film both shot in 1974. The prints are b&w versions of the slides in from rolls b-d. The negatives appear to be one complete roll with a contact sheet produced from them with no roll number...