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Moira Irvine
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2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Leica-65 Roll 1

This file contains one roll of film. A contact sheet and photograph log have been created associated to the roll of film. Images show in addition to Point Grey, the Drynock Slide site, and an anthropomorphic dagger found on Vancouver Island.

Leica 66-I

This file contains one roll of film and the associated contact sheet and photograph log. Images show crew working at site performing activities such as screening, drawing maps, loading the truck, and excavation. In addition the contact sheet for...

The Antler Industry at Musqueam East

This item is a term paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden at the University of British Columbia. This paper discusses the use and purposes of antler at the DhRt-2 Musqueam East site.

Moira Irvine

DjRi-5-Esilao Village

This file contains five iterations of the same map. Included is the scribed film plus four copies on different media in different sizes produced from the film. This map shows the locations of the Milliken and Esilao Village sites on the Fraser R...

Moira Irvine