- 05.1-3-01-22
- Pièce
- [1949]
Fait partie de DhRs-1 Marpole site Charles Borden Project fonds
This image shows a close up of the wall of excavation unit with rulers along the horizontal axis, and a trowel leaned against wall.
Fait partie de DhRs-1 Marpole site Charles Borden Project fonds
This image shows a close up of the wall of excavation unit with rulers along the horizontal axis, and a trowel leaned against wall.
Archaeoloigst drawing profile in trench
Fait partie de DhRs-1 Marpole site Charles Borden Project fonds
This image shows Wilson Duff drawing a profile.
Fait partie de DhRs-1 Marpole site Charles Borden Project fonds
This image shows the inside of the trench and wall.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three archaeologists working in a trench and one man at a screening station.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows four archaeologists working in a trench and one man at a screening station.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three archaeologists working in a trench and one man at a screening station.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men working in a trench.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows a 5 people excavating a trench.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men excavating. Stratigiraphy is shown in foreground.
View, to SE, of E horizons and 6" balks
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows excavation, some stratigraphy can be seen.
View, to SE, showing E horizon with 6" balks
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows excavation, some stratigraphy can be seen.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows two archaeologists excavating.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows two men excavating. The image also shows the profile of the excavation site.
View, to E, from above, of work on G horizon
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men excavating. Stratigraphy of wall visible in background.
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows a G point. Stratigraphy in walls and soil staining on floor can be seen.
View, to east, from above, of work in progress on lower horizons
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows four men working in excavation.
View to W, at W 30'. Trench floor at D=R3/3'6"
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds
This image shows the stratigraphy in one section of the trench. Grid is aligned vertically and and a ruler is aligned horizontally across the top of the trench.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the stratigraphy of the east wall of excavation unit 2.
Boris + Ruth drawing map of EU 1
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing two archaeologists drawing a map of excavation unit 1. The UBC archaeology truck can be seen in the background.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of the south wall in excavation unit 1.