Floor plan of section S150'-155'-W65'-72'6"
- 05.1-4-01-I17
- Item
- August 18, 1955
Floor plan notes dark loose fill within a depression.
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Floor plan of section S150'-155'-W65'-72'6"
Floor plan notes dark loose fill within a depression.
This item is a floor plan noting a posthole.
Profile and floor plan on one page
This item includes a profile of the "North face of last pit -S147'6"-150' W72'6"-83'" and a "Floor plan of section S137'6"-140' W77'6"-83'showing trough running through the...
Showing Sand pit in Section S142'6"-145' W77'6"-82'6"
This item is a floor plan noting a sandy house deposit and fire cracked rock.
Floor plan showing continuation of trough at S137'6"-140' at sections S142'6"-145'-W77'6"-82'11"
This item is a floor plan noting a drop in the subsoil
This item shows two floor plans; 'South 129'-132' West 70'75,'' and South 123'126' West 70'-72'6".
Floor plan showing yellow ash layer and sand pit
This item is a floor plan showing the locations of yellow ash and dark sandy house floor deposit. 2 stake molds and a pocket of clean beach sand are also noted.
Floor plan of S135-140'-W90-95' showing yellow ash
This item is a floor plan showing the locations of yellow ash and house floor deposit.
Marpole 1955 Floor plans and profile
2 floor plans; 'Floor plan showing contrasting deposit in pit,' 'Floor plan showing rock features,' and 1 profile; 'Profile of East face at W90.'' Includes a detailed legend.
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Profile of East Face at W70' S120'-129'
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Cross section of N face of Section S135'-137'6"-W77'6"-83'
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of the site.
Profile shows detailed stratigraphy of site.
Cross-section of N. face at S147'6"-W85-95'
Profile is a detailed stratigraphy of a gravel feature at the site.
Profile of gravel feature at S135'-145' W137'6"
Profile is a detailed stratigraphy of a gravel feature at the site.
Plan view showing disturbed area and dimensions.
This is a photocopy of Map No. 3 from LOAA 5.1/04/I01, Poster of maps. It shows a city lot plan, SW Marine and Granville.
This item consists of 5 stapled pages which lists survey points, some crossed out. The notes are made on the back of unused UBC examination booklets. Contact LOA Archivist to view.
This item is a folded paper with sets of survey points written on one side and a grade percentages for a class on the opposite site.