This series consists of 3 files holding newspaper clippings concerning anthropology and archaeology. Files 1 – 2 contain clippings mainly focused on Canada and specifically B.C. archaeology, while file 3 holds newspaper articles about archaeology ...
This file contains newspaper clippings from multiple newspapers in Canada, mostly concerning archaeology, anthropology, and First Nations information. These clippings are stored in the oversize storage/map cabinet area.
This file contains newspaper clippings from multiple newspapers in London, United Kingdom, which detail information about archaeology and anthropology in the United Kingdom and abroad. These clippings are stored in the oversize storage/map cabinet...
This series consists of a single file holding textual records relating to a 1935 amateur archaeological survey in the area of Little Mountain, Hope that T.L. and Beatrice Muriel May Thacker were associated with.
This file consists of textual records relating to a 1935 amateur archaeological survey in the area of Little Mountain, Hope that T.L. and Beatrice Muriel May Thacker were associated with. It is noted that the survey started June 23, 1935. Mentione...
This file contains hand-made notes, one type-written page of notes, one reprint of a publication regarding recent works in archaeology and anthropology, and two legal-sized pages of excerpts from the 1930 book “The Making of Man”.
This file consists of artifact drawings and two artifact photographs compiled and drawn by Thomas Lindsay Thacker and Beatrice Muriel May Thacker. Notes about artifact size, original finder, and other details are often noted on the sketch pages. P...
This series consists of letters with attached notes and diagrams that were sent and received from various archaeological and museum professionals, including a letter from Harlan I. Smith. Letters were sent and received from both Thomas Lindsay Tha...
This file consists of consists of correspondence sent and received from both Thomas Lindsay Thacker and Beatrice Muriel May Thacker, which includes attached notes and diagrams that were sent and received from various archaeological and museum prof...
The Ellis Pryce-Jones fonds contains all of the records related to amateur archaeologist Ellis Pryce-Jones work that are in the custody of the UBC Lab of Archaeology. This includes Pryce-Jones’ personal artifact records, drawings, notes, clippings...
This series includes the personal notebooks of Ellis Pryce-Jones, which include information about his time at the excavations of what was then called the Marpole Midden and/or the Great Fraser Midden. Some notebooks also record artifacts recovered...
This file contains a hard-cover notebook belonging to Ellis Pryce-Jones that records his archaeological activities in the years 1958, 1959, and 1960. This includes sketches, records of artifacts uncovered by Pryce-Jones, books read on archaeology,...
This file contains a hard-cover notebook titled “Journal” which contains Ellis PryceJones’ “Artifact Records Books”. Artifact entries include a description of how, where, and what was found along with who found it.
This file contains a thin soft-cover notebook titled “Artifact List (No Details)”. Artifacts listed in this notebook are all recorded to be from the Marpole neighbourhood area.
This file contains a miniature Great-West Life Assurance Company branded notebook, with Ellis Pryce-Jones notes concerning archaeological work in the Marpole area and on Ernie Burnett’s property.
This file contains a spiral Hilroy notebook entitled as “An Artifact Collection, of the Natives of British Columbia and Elsewhere” by Ellis Pryce-Jones. The notebook contains drawings of various types of projectile points and lithic artifacts, wit...
This file contains a blue duotang with inserted notebook pages holding various maps, photographs, reports, and notes. The first section of the duotang consists of maps and other related materials to Ellis Pryce-Jones’ trip to France. The second pa...