Archaeologists standing on Locarno Beach site
- 12.1-3-13-19
- Einzelstück
- 1966
This image is frame 19 on the roll of film. Image is faded on the right because it is the end of the roll.
1007 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen
Archaeologists standing on Locarno Beach site
This image is frame 19 on the roll of film. Image is faded on the right because it is the end of the roll.
This file contains profile maps showing different sections of trench 2.
This file contains maps that all originate from one profile drawing done in colour pencil on graph paper. All maps expect the master are in ink on tracing paper.
This map shows the profiles for the south, west, and north faces. Co-ordinates are given for each. In addition the floor plan is also drawn on the sheet. This map is showing archaeology done on the Tettamante property.
This map shows excavations on the Tettamante property.
DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This fonds contains the records related to the archaeological activity performed by Charles Borden and his crew at the DjRi 3 Milliken archaeological site. The work done at this site occurred over 6 years. This fonds consists of four series: Art...
Charles E. Borden
This series contains the listings of artifacts created for the Milliken collection. The dates on these records often reflects the date the artifact was found, not the date the record was created. These catalogues are often transcribed from layer...
This file contains type-written sheets with lines drawn in pencil that indicate each level and unit.
This file was aggregated by the archivist of items that have been separated from their original context. This file includes notes about the profiles and plans, 1 topographic map, 1 chart of cultural phases, and 1 photograph of artifacts laid on a...
This item is the slide casing only. A note says "This dupe is in slides for 'Archaeology in Southwestern British Columbia'".
This image shows various woven and carved objects displayed on a mat.
Field catalogue and proof sheets
This file contains the catalogue listings for artifacts 2780-7395 not inclusive. These listings have been transcribed from the original catalogues found in files 2-10. This file also contains a proof sheet which contains artifact numbers and com...
This file contains artifact listings which for most entries includes the provenience. This file also contains an area index.
This file contains artifact listings which include provenience information.
This file contains artifact listings which includes provenience information.
This file contains artifact listings with provenience information.
This file contains the artifact listings with provenience information.
This file contains the artifact listings with provenience information.
Volume VII no. 10196-10938 and 23985-24752
This file contains the artifact listings with provenience information.