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Extens. Dept. 1960

This file contains images of the archaeological site and excavations taken on black and white 4x5 format film. Prints were made at the Department of Extension, University of British Columbia on August 17, 1960. The prints are created from the ne...

Leica 1961 [roll] 4

This file contains the records relating to one roll of film. Images include photographs house pits, and close-ups of stratigraphy. The first 17 frames of this roll of film appear to be missing.

Extens. Dept. 1961

This file contains negatives taken on 4x5 format film. The prints were made from the negatives by the Department of Extensions, University of British Columbia. Images show the archaeoloigcal site and landscape surrounding the site.

DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides

This file contains photographs of the work occurring at the DjRi-3 archaeological site. The photographs contain images of profiles, units, crew, as well as a series of images of Mike Victor demonstrating how to clean and fillet a salmon.

Results 441 to 460 of 2436