This file contains 6 profile drawings for pits 1-6 and one plan drawing showing the locations of pits 1-8. These maps were drawn in sections and attached together with adhesive.
This file contains profile drawings, some are attached together with adhesive. A key is included giving each drawing a number. Not all drawings on the key are in the file.
This file contains profile drawings for back hoe trench, pit 1, pit 4, pit 5, a topographic map showing pits 9 and 10, and three graphs showing distributions of artifacts. All maps show no date.
This file contains the figures and tables created for the publication "The Glenrose Cannery Site," 1976, and used in "Prehistoric Subsistence Patterns in the Fraser Delta: The Evidence from the Glenrose Cannery Site," 1980-81 b...
This fonds contains the permits and copies of the permit applications submitted to the government in order to perform archaeological activity at [address withheld due to culturally sensitive concerns, contact archivist] in Vancouver, B. C. Permit...
This item is a report based on the paper written by Derek Limer for his Anthropology 420 course at the University of British Columbia. It is co-authored by Richard Pearson and Thomas Loy.
This item is a thesis written as partial fulfillment of a Master of Arts in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of British Columbia.
This item is a thesis written as partial fulfillment of a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Washington. This thesis was obtained by the Laboratory of Archaeology to have available in their reading room.