- 4.2-04-04-01
- Item
- [1980]
This item is a draft of the faunal analysis section of a report. It has been heavily annotated with corrections.
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This item is a draft of the faunal analysis section of a report. It has been heavily annotated with corrections.
This file contains the notes written for the paper titled "Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980".
This item is a hand written draft.
This file contains the first draft of the paper titled "Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980".
This item is a copy of the first draft of a paper with hand written corrections.
This file contains one copy of the paper titled "Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980". This version was published in the journal Syesis.
Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980
This item is the completed paper accepted by Syesis journal.
Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980 with reviewer notes
This file contains one copy of the paper titled "Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980" and the revision notes from the Syesis reviewer.
Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980
This item is a paper submitted to the Syesis Journal. It was returned with minor corrections.
This series contains one file and three items. The items are waiting descriptions. They are: Beach Grove Site Contour Map, Profile of East Wall of Magnetic North Trench, and Fig. B-1 % by weight of Fish Remains. The file consists of ink drawing...
This file contains profile, plans, and topographic maps drawn in ink for the purpose of publication in the paper "Excavations at Beach Grove (DgRs 1) in 1980".
Part of Heritage Conservaton Act Permit 2002-005 project fonds
This series contains one file containing the reports written outlining the activity and recommendations at the site.
Part of Heritage Conservaton Act Permit 2002-005 project fonds
This series contains the hand written notes created during field work at DgRs-1. The notes are in diary format, forms, and profile drawings.
Part of Heritage Conservaton Act Permit 2002-005 project fonds
This file contains the field notes from Golder project number 012-1906.
Two archaeologists working at site
This image shows two men working. The site is shown in the backyard of a house and there is snow on the ground.
Marpole DhRs 1 Borden 1955 Misc Photos and Negatives
This file contains black and white photographs and three negatives. The photographs depict an excavation site and the crew. All negatives are for photographs in which Borden appears and the prints do not appear to be from either of the UBC archae...
Marpole DhRs 1 Borden 1955 W Face at W85' S125' to S150'
This map is a detailed profile drawing. It spreads over four sections of graph paper that have been taped together to form one map.
Marpole DhRs 1 Borden 1955 Floor Plans
This map is a floor plan showing units 41 - 54.
Marpole DhRs 1 Borden 1955 Profiles
This map shows the locations of profile drawings 1-39 and 51.
Marpole DhRs 1 Borden 1955 Floor Plans and Profiles from Volume N1
This map shows the location of the profile drawings numbered 1-1-6 11-13, 14-17. The volume N1 as noted in the title is found in the Field Notes series of this fonds.