Affichage de 2436 résultats

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Palaeolithic Cultures

This item is a paper written as coursework for Anthropology 320 at the University of British Columbia. It consists of a glossary of various cultures.

Lynda Kaip

Air Photo Study

This item is a paper written as coursework for Geography 410, instructed by Dr. Farley at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the Yale area from air in order to look at the transportation patterns and land form analysis. The ...

David Keenlyside

Residual Analysis of Certain Artifacts

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 406, instructed by Dr. R.G. Matson at the University of British Columbia. This paper analyzes the residuals on artifacts from Pitt River and Beach Grove.

Tony Larock

The Implementation of an Integrated Pest Management Project for the Faunal Collection Held in the Museum of Anthropology's Archaeology Teaching Laboratory

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 406 at the University of British Columbia. This paper was written using the Laboratory of Archaeology as a case study to show the impact of pests and suggestions for the mana...

Mistrelle Lockhart

Lab Report: DiRj 1, Katz Site

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for a course instructed by Dr. Charles Borden at the University of British Columbia. This paper was co-authored by Richard Levy, Heather MacKay, and Terry Saklofsky. It provides the a classi...

Thomas Loy

Résultats 1401 à 1420 sur 2436