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Burial Customs of the Coast Salish

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420 at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the burial practices of peoples on the Northwest Coast.

David Sanger

Site Report for the Liquid Air Site:(DhRs-19)

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden, at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the local geography, stone tool classification, and general information rega...

Donald Sinclair

A Site Comparison of Some Cariboo Material

This item is a paper written as part of the course work for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. R. G. Matson at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines materials collected in the Cariboo region by Paul Sneed in 1972.

Ralph Sketchley

Archaeology of Saltspring Island

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for an anthropology class at the University of British Columbia. This paper is mostly a literature review of the work done on Saltspring Island.

Kathlyn Stewart

Anthropolog [sic] 420 Site Report (DhRt 3:)

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420 at the University of British Columbia. The paper seeks to reconstruct the cultural history of DhRt-3 by looking at ethnographic information, existing archaeological data,...

W. V. Swarchuk

Résultats 1461 à 1480 sur 2436