Overview of bottom of level 7 N(2-4) E(20-22)
- LoAA 9.1-3-03-7
- Item
- August 18, 1972
The photograph log indicates that this image shows a rock feature and was taken from the north.
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Overview of bottom of level 7 N(2-4) E(20-22)
The photograph log indicates that this image shows a rock feature and was taken from the north.
Overview of southern half of N(2-4) E(20-22)
This image shows the bottom on level 7 showing a rock feature in the sourthern half. Image taken from the north.
Overview of southern half of N(2-4) E(20-22) from east
This image shows the bottom of level 7. Taken from the east.
This file contains the images taken on roll 4 using the Konica camera designated for fieldwork photographs taken during the course of the project in 1972. In addition a photograph log, and contact sheet of the negatives are in the file.
This image was taken showing Pete Flagg uncovering an artifact.
This image was taken to show a close up of the artifact uncovered in frame 2 (item 1 in same file). Image shows a 15cm ruler for scale and a trowel pointing north.
This image was taken to show David Archer holding artifact DhRt-4: 3809.
Overview of N(2-4) E(16-18) at bottom of level 10
This image shows the ash feature at the bottom on level 10. The trowel points to the north, and the image was taken from the west.
Close up of wood feature in unit N(2-4) E(4-6)
This image was taken to show a close up of the wood feature.
Close up of wood feature in unit N(2-4) E(4-6)
This image was taken to show a close up of the wood feature in the excavation unit. The photograph log indicates the feature is in the north east corner and is burnt. The trowel is pointing north.
Close up of hearth feature in S(0-2) E(16-18)
This image was taken to show a close up of the hearth feature. Photograph log gives additional information about the hearth.
Exhibit set up for kids on reserve
This image was taken of an exhibit set up for Musqueam community at the excavation site to show the types of artifacts being found. Artifacts are displayed on wooden trays.
Exhibit set up for kids on reserve
This image was taken to show the exhibit prepared for community members at Musqueam.
This image shows David Archer showing talking about the exhibit of artifacts found during excavation.
This image shows people looking at an exhibit of artifacts found during the project. This exhibit was set up at the site.
Overview of S(0-2) E(16-18) at bottom of level 15
This image shows a hearth feature at the bottom of level 15.
Close up of feature in S(0-2) E(16-18).
This image was taken to show a close up the hearth feature in unit. Photograph log gives additional information about the hearth and circular ash feature shown in image.
Overview of rock feature in N(2-4) E(20-22)
This image shows a rock feature in the south east corner of pit. Trowel is pointing north. Photograph log provides more information regarding feature and pit.
Close up of ash feature pedestaled at top of level 16 in unit S(0-2) E(16-18)
This image was taken to show the close up of ash feature. Photograph log indicates that the ash feature is at the top of level 16. Log also gives corresponding information regarding the pedestal provenience.
Profile of east wall (E-18) S(0-2) of unit S(0-2) E(16-18)
This image was the profile of the east wall in the unit.