Crew excavating waterloged deposit
- LoAA 9.1-3-24-14
- Pièce
- July 22, 1974
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows archaeologist working in unit.
1007 résultats avec documents numérisés Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Crew excavating waterloged deposit
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows archaeologist working in unit.
Crew excavating waterlogged deposit from [east]
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows several archaeologist working in unit.
Artifact #10249 basket in situ Unit L9 from [north]
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows object DhRt-4:10249 in situ with scale.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows object DhRt-4: 10140 lying in situ with scale. Image taken from the east. Image taken on roll B of 1974.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows a wood wedge with scale on blue background. Taken on roll B in 1974.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows a basket in situ with scale. It is very similar and possibly the same basket as shown in item 17 of this file.
Archaeologist holding artifact
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
ASBC field school survey instrument
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows three people using survey equipment. Image taken on Roll B of 1974.
ASBC field school exposing intrusion in IG
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows two people working in excavation unit. Image taken on roll B of 1974.
ASBC field school drawing floor plan of IG
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image shows three people drawing floor plans of an excavation unit. Image taken on roll B of 1974.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This image is of a basket in situ. It is indicated on the slide that it is a copy of C16.
Artifacts #10321 -baskets-#10322 in situ - Unit L9 from east
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image is of two baskets in situ.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing excavation layer 9 in unit I9.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing a basket after it has been excavated with scale.
Artifacts - baskets - #10322 #10324 in situ - unit:L9 from E
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing baskets in situ with scale.
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing basket with catalogue number DhRt-4:10322 post excavation.
Overview of perishables in NW quad - Unit Artifact #10319 - rope -
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing basketry materials in situ with scale.
Overview showing intrusions: Unit I9 Level 10: 1.13 B.L.D. 99.30 from West
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing the stratigraphy of Unit I9 at level 10.
Crew excavating perishables Unit:L9 from south
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing two archaeologists excavating wetsite materials with hoses.
Crew excavating intrusions in I9 from west
Fait partie de Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
This item is an image showing two archaeologists excavating.