- LoAA1-1-1-04
- Dossier
- August 28, 1962
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations.
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Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations and crew.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations and profiles.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations, features, and artifacts.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images of the excavations and crew. It also includes a document created by Patricia Ormerod in 2009 with summarizing information regarding the site.
Malcolm Suttles
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains images glued to card, some with captions.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains five iterations of the same map. Included is the scribed film plus four copies on different media in different sizes produced from the film. This map shows the locations of the Milliken and Esilao Village sites on the Fraser R...
Moira Irvine
Esilao Village (Site DjRi 5) Yale Indian Reserve NO. 21
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains three topographic maps showing the same information but in different sizes and on different media. One of the maps has been scribed into film and was then used to create the other versions. This map shows the locations of the ...
John Borden
Maps by M. Irvine of DjRi 3 Milliken and DjRi 5 Esilao Locality
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains five topographic maps showing the same information but in different sizes and on different media. One of the maps has been scribed into film and was then used to create the other versions. This map shows the locations of DjRi-...
Milliken-Esilao Locality at 6000 B.C.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains five topographic maps showing the same information but in different sizes and on different media. One of the maps has been scribed into film and was then used to create the other versions. This map shows the levels of the Fras...
Moira Irvine
Sketch Map of Esilao-Milliken Locality
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains three topographic maps showing the same information but in different sizes and on different media. The largest map has been done in ink on tracing paper, the others are prints. This map shows the location of DjRi-3 and DjRi-5 ...
Moira Irvine
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This file contains a plan map on film. Two prints of the map are also included in this file. Map was originally based on a field map prepared by Donald Mitchell.
DjRi-5: Profile of Inner Lip of Pithouse #1 at S25' looking north
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing showing seven feet of the inner lip of pit house 1.
DjRi-5: Contours of Area Adjacent to Pit House #1, from 0-S45', 0-E40'
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a topographic map showing contour lines at 1 foot intervals.
DjRi-5: Profile of W10 Face from S25' to 60'
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing. It includes three other profiles which have been copied in order to show them connected. This map shows the locations of pit houses, unexcavated areas, and the stratigraphy of the layers.
Profile of W15 Face from S25' to S60'
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing. One section of this map was been copied from the field notes. The map shows the location of charcoal samples and the stratigraphy of the layers.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing. The map shows the location of charcoal samples and the stratigraphy of the layers. Carbon samples UBC No. 19, 20, and 21 are mentioned.
DjRi 5: Post-mould Plan of Recent Historical Surface Features Adjacent to Pit
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a plan drawing. The map is a plan of structures numbered 1-4 showing the location and size of the post-moulds.
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing. This map shows the profile of S0-25' looking west. Roots, rocks, post-moulds, and the stratigraphy are all shown.
DjRi 5: Profile from S5' to S25 at W10
Fait partie de Aseláw (Esilao Village) Site - DjRi-5 Project fonds
This item is a profile drawing. It is a compilation of profiles drawn in the field.