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1007 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Locarno Project Slides

This file consists of Kodachrome colour slides that show excavation work at the DhRt-6archaeological site and [name withheld] property, as well as belonging (artifact) assemblages.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.


This series contains drawings on letter-sized graph paper, depicting various excavation trenches and their profiles from the DhRt-6 archaeological site and the [name withheld] property. Drawings are labelled and contain information about the creat...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Trench Profiles

This file consists of trench drawings that demonstrate profile views of layers in the archaeological record on the property located within the archaeological boundaries of DhRt-6.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Trench Profiles Copies

This file contains photocopies (originals were not included in this deposit) of trench drawings that demonstrate profile views of layers in the archaeological record at the site.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Research Records

This series consists of research records related to faunal analysis and C 14 sampling for radiocarbon dating, produced as part of the archaeological project at the [name withheld] property project which falls within the archaeological boundaries o...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Faunal Analysis

This file consists of completed sample collection forms, vertebrae remains catalogues, and bone weight forms related to faunal analysis research conducted for the ARCAS 1993 project at DhRt-6 on the [name withheld] property.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

C 14 Sample Collection and Analysis

This file consists of completed forms for sample collection, radiocarbon testing, standardized matrix description, radiocarbon sample data sheet copies, and assorted correspondence between ARCAS, Beta Analytic Inc., and other organizations.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.


This series consists of various reports related to the ARCAS-led archaeological project at part of DhRt-6 during 1993. Included within the reports are various figures and maps.This series has been arranged into 4 files and is located in Box 3.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Report Figures and Maps

This file consists of copies of figures, legends, and maps from the final report for the entire project carried out by ARCAS from 1993-1994 at the DhRt-6 archaeological site in response to the proposal for the development of the [name withheld] pr...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.


This series consists of a single file of correspondence regarding the excavation of the site, contacts with the Musqueam and Squamish Nations, deposit processes at the Lab of Archaeology, and the Archaeology Branch.This series has been arranged in...

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.


This file consists of various letters regarding the excavation of the site, contacts with the Musqueam and Squamish First Nations, deposit processes at the Lab of Archaeology, and the Archaeology Branch.

ARCAS Consulting Archaeologists Ltd.

Locarno Beach Site - DhRt-6 Project fonds: 1995 [I.R. Wilson]

  • LoAA12-4
  • Fundo
  • 1995; 2002

This fonds contains textual records and 1 CD which contains the records in digital format related to the mitigation program conducted under HCA permit 1995-0023 by I.R. Wilson Consulting Ltd. at [address withheld]. The project area is located with...

I. R. Wilson Consultants Ltd.

Field Notes

This series consists of field/monitoring notes taken during the archaeological mitigation program conducted by I.R. Wilson under HCA permit 1995-0023 at [address withheld], Vancouver which falls within the DhRt-6 site boundaries. Field notes were ...

Field Notes

This file consists of a copy site paving and general building plan along with monitoring/field notes and observations during the archaeological mitigation program conducted by I.R. Wilson at [address withheld]Field notes were also received digital...

Resultados 1941 a 1960 de 2436