This item is a paper written for Anthropology 203 instructed by Dr. Robert Pearson at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the archaeological record of art from a variety of sites in the region spanning from the Fraser Canyon to...
This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. R. G. Matson at the University of British Columbia. This paper looks at nine sites and how they fit within the cultural phase called 'The Charles ...
This fonds contains the records created during archaeological field work and analysis by R. G. Matson while working for the Laboratory of Archaeology, University of British Columbia. The series contained in this fonds are: Field notes and analysi...
This series includes all the years of excavation by R. G. Matson at the Glenrose Cannery site. These records have been filed mostly by pit number. They are also mostly in chronological order with a few exceptions. The records include artifact c...
This file contains a list of the artifacts packed in each box. One page was added to the back of the file much later by the Laboratory of Archaeology staff.
This file contains an artifact catalogue and hand-written field notes. The artifact catalogue begins at 1106 and goes to 1372. These pages have been annotated.
This file contains pre-printed forms, plan and profile drawings, and artifact catalogue sheets for artifacts DgRr-6: 6103-6105. These notes were written in the field.
This file contains surface plan drawings in pencil on graph paper, raw count and other graphs hand drawn in pencil, and pre-printed lithic analysis forms.
This file contains the procedures used for artifact analysis and the storage of samples. In addition, this file contains a list of the artifact numbers used and their associated pit numbers.
This file contains the procedure for lithic analysis, level record and analysis forms, glossary of typology in draft form, and plan and profile drawings.