- 4.2-03-01-080
- Pièce
- 1 July 1980
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 50 north. One person stands near edge of trench mapping the profile.
R.G. Matson
54 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 50 north. One person stands near edge of trench mapping the profile.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 50 north. One person stands near edge of trench mapping the profile.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 54 north.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 54 north.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 54 north.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph is showing the profile of Trench 54 north.
R.G. Matson
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of the east wall.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile. Photograph was taken to show the outline of a post mold.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile. Photograph was taken to show the outline of a post mold.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing excavation.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile in excavation unit 4.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile in excavation unit 4. Profile is mostly in shadow.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of excavation unit 2.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of the west wall in excavation unit 1.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of the east wall in excavation unit 1.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the profile of the south wall in excavation unit 1.
Boris + Ruth drawing map of EU 1
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing two archaeologists drawing a map of excavation unit 1. The UBC archaeology truck can be seen in the background.
Fait partie de Beach Grove Archaeological Project 1980 fonds
This item is a photograph showing the stratigraphy of the east wall of excavation unit 2.
View, to east, from above, of work in progress on lower horizons
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows four men working in excavation.
View, to E, from above, of work on G horizon
Fait partie de DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
This image shows three men excavating. Stratigraphy of wall visible in background.