- Fonds17.1 - DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
- Series03 - Photographs
- File31 - DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides
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- Item150 - Burial No. 1 Arrow points to mag. N.
- Item151 - Burial No. 1 Arrow points to mag. N.
- Item152 - Burial No. 1
- Item153 - N profile at N 5' E 20' - 25' and associated rock feature
- Item154 - Work on Burial No. 2
- Item155 - David Rice working on suface, east of '59 trench
- Item156 - Burial No. 2
- Item157 - Burial No. 2
- Item158 - View down on excav. of surface zones in area east of '59 trench
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