- Fundo17.1 - DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden
- Série03 - Photographs
- Dossiê/Processo31 - DjRi-3 Milliken colour slides
- 47 more...
- Item049 - 59 trench - view south
- Item050 - Gravel removal ramp - view from above to SW
- Item051 - View N [north] along top of '59 trench
- Item052 - 59 trench - top, west side. view NW
- Item053 - 59 trench - top, esat face
- Item054 - '59 trench - east face from above
- Item055 - '59 trench - east face view from NW
- Item056 - view across '59 trench from east side to west side
- Item057 - Kitchen fly
- 345 more...