- Archief09.1 - Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds
- Reeks3 - Photographs
- Bestanddeel24 - 1974 slides
- 32 more...
- Stuk36 - Artifact #10335 in situ - Unit L9 (Level 23) from South
- Stuk37 - Artifact #10331
- Stuk38 - Artifact #10335
- Stuk39 - Artifact #10340 in situ - Unit L9 from east
- Stuk40 - Artifact #10340
- Stuk41 - Artifact #10437 in situ - unit L9 - from west
- Stuk42 - Artifact #10437
- Stuk43 - Harvey shoveling bottom of J9 (level 26) from north
- Stuk44 - Overview north half of unit L9
- 22 more...