Teilserie C - Author files

Bereich 'Titel und Anmerkung zur Verantwortlichkeit'


Author files

Allgemeine Werkstoffbezeichnung

  • Text

Paralleler Titel

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Titelangaben zur Verantwortlichkeit

Anmerkungen zum Titel





Bereich "Edition"

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

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Angaben zum Maßstab (kartografisch)

Angaben zur Projektion (kartografisch)

Angaben zu Koordinaten (kartografisch)

Angaben zum Maßstab (architektonisch)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Bereich "Entstehungszeitraum"


  • [between 1950 and 1978] (Sammlung)

Bereich 'Physische Beschreibung'

Physische Beschreibung

315 cm of textual records

Publisher's series area

Haupttitel der Verlagsreihe

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Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Bereich "Archivische Beschreibung"


Eingrenzung und Inhalt

This subseries contains papers (mostly published) that were kept by Charles Borden as reference. He filed them alphabetically by author's last name. Some additions were made after his death by Laboratory of Archaeology staff.

File List:

<b>Box 1:</b>
<i>Location: 3 - 0088</i>
Abbott, Donald
Abramova, Z. A.
Ackerman, Robert E.
Adams, Robert M.
Agache, Roger
Agogino, George A.
Aguirre, Emiliano
Aiken, C. Melvin
Akrigg, G. P. V.
Alexander, Herbert L. Jr.
Alfred, Braxton M.
Alley, N. F. (+ H. Nasmith)
American Anthropological Association
Anderson, Douglas D.
Anderson, J. E.
Angel, J. Lawrence
Applebaum, Shimon
Armillas, Pedro
John E. Armstrong
Aroutiounov, S.
Ascher, Robert [and] Ascher, Marcia
Averkieva, Y. P.
Baerreis, David A.
Baker, James
Baker, Paul T.
Baker, Peter F.
Bakka, Egil
Bakker, J. A.

<b>Box 2:</b>
<i>Location: 4 - 0089</i>
Bandi, Gabor
Bandi, Hans-Goerg
Bannister, Bryant
Barbeau, Marins
Bardach, John E.
Bayrock, L.A.
Barnett, H.G.
Baxter, David N.P.
Belshaw, Cyril S.
Bennett, J.W.
Bennyhoff, J.A.
Berger, R.
Bernard, Claude
Bernick, K.
Binford, S.R.
Bingham, Hiram
Bird, Janius
Blackham, M
Blake, Michael
Blake, Mike
Bleed, Peter
Blum, Harold F.
Blunden, Roy H.
Boas, Franz
Bordes, Denise de Sonneville

<b>Box 3:</b>
<i>Location: 5 - 0090</i>
Bonchard, Randy
Boughey, Howard
Boyle, David
Boyd, Glenda
Boyd, William
Braidword, Robert J.
Brown, A.S. & H. Nasmith
Brennan, Louis
Brew, J.O.
Broecker, Wallace S.
Bruemmer, Fred
Brown, Douglas
Brockington, Leonard W.
Bronowski, J.
Bryan, Alan
Bryson, Reid A.
Bulmer, Ralph & Susan
Burch, Jr. Ernest S.
Butter, B. Robert
Butler, B. Robert

<b>Box 4:</b>
<i>Location: 6 - 0091</i>
Byers, Douglas S.
Borden, Charles:
Prehistory of the Lower Mainland
Address to the B.C. Historical Association "Arch. History of the Fraser Valley" 1977
Archaeology of the Columbia-Fraser Region and Cathe Point 1951
Results of 2 Arch, Surveys in the East Kootenay Region of B.C. 1956
Current Anthropological Research on the NWC Symposium n/d
New Evidence for Early Cultural Relations Between Eurasia and Western N,.A. 1968
A Translucent Shelter fir Field Work in... 1950
Peopling and Early Cultures of the Pacific Northwest 1979
Fraser River Archaeological Project 1961
DjRi3, An Early Site in the Fraser Canyon B.C. 1957
An Ancient Coast Indian Village in SW B.C. 1955
A Late Pleistocene Pebble Tool Industry of SW B.C. 1968
A Uniform Site Designation Scheme for Canada 1952
An Arch Reconnaissance of Tweedsmir Park 1951
Radiocarbon and Geological Dating of the Lower Fraser Canyon Archaeological Sequence 1965
The Skagit River Atlatl 1969
Notes on the Prehistory of the Southern NW Coast 1950
West Coast Crossties with Alaska 1962
Cultural History of the Fraser-Delta Region An Outline 1970
The Origin of Man 1956
The Middens of B.C. 1948
Fraser River Delta Arch. Findings 1951
Peace River Basin Archaeological Project Stage 1 1962
Early Population Movements from Asia into Western N.A. 1968
The Continuing Depletion of B.C.s Archaeological Resources 1969
Toward Controlling the Trade in Indian Antiquities 1971
Contributions of C14 Dating to Canadian Archaeology n/d
& Duff, A Scottsbluff-Eden Point from B.C. n/d
Radiocarbon and Geological Dating...1965
& Mathewes, Rouse, New Radiocarbon Dates from the Yale Area of the...1972
Book Reviews
Some Aspects of Coastal-Interior Relations in the Prehistoric Pac. N.W.
Archaeology in Encyclopaedia Britannica-duplicates 1967
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Conference
Facts and Problems of Northwest Coast Prehistory
Results of a Preliminary Survey of the Nechako Reservoir in West Central B.C.

<b>Box 5:</b>
<i>Location: 1 - 0092</i>
Caldwell, Warren
Calvert, Gay
Campbell-Brown, M.D., H.
Campbell, John M.
Canadian Archaeological Association
Canadian Civil Liberties Union
Capes, Catherine
Carlson, John B.
Carlson, Roy
Carlson, R - Henwas
Carpenter, Edmund
Carter, George F.
Cerevyanko, A.P.
Chai, C.K.
Chard, Chester S.

<b>Box 6:</b>
<i>Location: 2 - 0093</i>
Chatters, R.M.
Cherry, Roger L.
Chevnetsov, Valery
Clark, Donald
Clark, Gerald H.
Clark, J.G.D.
Could, Jr. Preston E.
Coale, Ainsley J.
Cobean, Robert H. et al.
Coe, Michael D.
Coe, William R.
Cole, David L.
Collier, Don
Collins, Henry B.
Connaway, J.M.
Constance, Lincoln
Cook, A. Garcia
Cook, John P.
Cooper, J.M.
Coon, Carleton S.
Coutre, A.
Cowan, Thaddeus M.
Crabtree, Donald
Crandell, Dwight R.
Cressman, L.S.
Cressman, L.S. & D.E. Dumond

<b>Box 7:</b>
<i>Location: 3 - 0094</i>
Cressman, L.S. & Dumond, D.E.
Creston & District Historical Museum Society
Crockford, Susan
Crook, A.R.
Crow, James F.
Culbert, Patrick T
Cvancara, Alan M.
Cybulski, Herome S.
D'Andrade, R.
Dansgaard, W.
Daugherty, R.D.
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland
Davis, Emma Lou
Davis, Leslie B.
Davis N.F.G. Mathews, W.H.
Davis, Wilbur A.
Davis, Wilbur H.
Dawson, George M.
De Laguna, Frederica
Deans, James
Dekin, Albert A.
Densmore, F.

<b>Box 8:</b>
<i>Location: 4 - 0095</i>
Derevyanko, A.P.
Dethier, V.G.
DeVore, Irven
De Vries, David Pietersz
Dewhirst, John
Dikov, N.N.
Dixon, J.E.
Dixon, Keith A.
Dobzhansky, T.
Dolman, C.E.
Donahue, Paul F.
Dougherty, Ralph C.
Doxiadis, Constantinos
Dragoo, D.W.
Drake, Robert J.
Drucker, Philip
Duff, Roger
Duff, Wilson
Dumond, Don E.

<b>Box 9:</b>
<i>Location: 5 - 0096</i>
Dummond, D.E.
Dunn, John A.
Dunnell, B.A.
Dupree, Louis
Durrant, Stephan D.
Easterbrook, D.J.
Easton, N.A.
Ehrlich, Paul R.
Eldridge, Morley
Elliott, William J.
Elmendorf, William W.
El-Najjar, M. & Robertson, A.L.
Emiliani C.
Emmons, Lieut,G.T.
Importance of Salmon to NW Coast Archaelogy
Epstein, Jeremiah F.
Ericson, David B
Evernden, J.F. & Curtis G.H.
Fay, George E.
Fedirchuk, Gloria
Ferdon, Jr., Edwain N.
Fewkes, J. Walter
Fladhark, Kuut R.
Field, William O.
Flannery, Keut V.
Flannery, R.
Flint, R.F.
Folan, William J.
Forbis, Richard
Ford, Amasa B
Forde, Daryll
Fortsch, David
Fowler, Melvin L.
Frenzel, Burkhard
Friedman, Edward
Frison, G.C.

<b>Box 10:</b>
<i>Location: 6 - 0097</i>
Fry, Gary
Fry, J.C. & Glass H.D. & Willman H.B.
Fryxell, R.
Fulton, R.J.
Galler, Sidney R.
Gallup, Gordon C.
Gsmble, D.J.
Garbarino, Mercury S.
Gardner, R. Allen
Garner James C.
Garrad, C.
Giddings, J.L.
Gilula, M.F. & Daniels, D.N.
Gjessing, Gutorm
Glastra, Rob
Gormly, Mary
Goss, James A.
Gov't of B.C.
Grabert, Garland I.
Grant, J.C Boileau
Green, George
Green, Joanne
Greengo, Robert E.
Griffin, Harold
Griffin, James B.
Grimes, J.R.
Gross, Gerald H.
Grove, D.C.
Gruhn, Ruth
Guillet, Edwin C.
Guinn, Stanley J.
Gumerman, G.J.
Gunther, Erna
Gustafson, Carl E.
Haag, William G.
Hadleigh-West, Frederick

<b>Box 11:</b>
<i>Location: 1 - 0098</i>
Haekel, Josef
Hajda, Yvonne
Hailman, Jack P.
Hall, John L.
Hammond, Allen L.
Harington, C.R.
Harp, Elmer
Harrison, P.D.
Hartman, Gordon F.
Haury, Emil W. et. al.
Hawthorn, H.B. & A.E.
Hay, Richard L.
Hayflick, Leonard
Heiser, Jr. Charles B.
Heizer, Robert F.
Helgren, David M.
Helms, J.W.
Helmer, James
Henshaw, H.W.
Herrman, Joachim
Hester, James J.
Hewes, Gordon W.
Heyerdahl. Thor
Hill, B.
Hill, J.N.
Hill, Patrick Arthur
Hill-Tout Charles

<b>Box 12:</b>
<i>Location: 2 - 0099</i>
Hill-Tout, Charles
Ho, T.Y.
Hoaglund, Hudson
Hobler, P.M.
Hobler, Philip M.
Hockett, Charles D.
Hole, Frank
Holland, Stuart S.
Holloway, Ralph L.
Holm, Margaret
Hopkins, David H.
Hosley, Ed.
Hough, Walter
Howell, F. Clark
Hrdlicka, Ales
Hubbard, Richard P.
Hurley, William A.
Hulse, Frederick S.
Hume, J.D.
Humphrey, Robert L.
Huscher, Harold. A.
Huxley Julian
Ikawa, Fumiko
Ikegami, Jiro
Irving, W.N.
Irwin-Williams, C.
Ishida, E.
Inglis, R.I. & MacDonald, G.F.
Iverson, Johannes
Jacob, Francois
Jacob-Friesen, K.H.
Jenninga, Jesse D.
Johnson, Frederick
Johnson, Jr. LeRoy

<b>Box 13:</b>
<i>Location: 3 - 0100</i>
Johnston, Richard B.
Johnston Richard F.
Jones, Richard D.
Jones, Tim
Jopling, A.V. & Irving, W.N. & Beebe, B.F.
Josselyn, Daniel W.
Joynes, Agnes
Judd, Neil M.
Keenlyside, David L.
Kehoe, Thomas F. & Alice B.
Kellog, Winthrop N.
Kennedy, D.I. & R.T. Bouchard
Kennett, J.P. & Shackleton, N.J.
Kenyon, Walter
Kerr, T.A.
Kew, Michael
Kidd, G.E.
Kidd, Kenneth
Kidd, Robert S.
Kidder II, Alfred
Kikuchi, W.K.
King, Jack Lester
King, Judith E.
King, M.C. & Wilson A.C.
Klein, Richard G.
Klymasz, Robert B.
Knowles, F.H.S.
Knox, A.S.
Kolers, Paul A
Koppel, Tom
Kraft, John C.
Kroebar, H.L.
Lack, David
Lahren, Bonnichsen
Laidlow, Geo. E.

<b>Box 14:</b>
<i>Location: 4 - 0101</i>
Langenneim, Jean H.
Lanning, Edward P.
Lantis, Margaret
Larsen, Helge
Lathrap, Donald W.
Laughlin, William
Larsen, Herge
Lasker, Gabriel W.
Laughlin, William S.
Lawrence, Donald B. & Elizabeth G.
Leacock, E.B.
Leakey, L.S.B. & Mary
Leakey, Richard
LeClair, Ronald
Lee, James
Lee, Thomas
Leechman, Douglas
Le Gros, Clark W.E.
Leonardi, Piero
Leone, Math P.
Leonhardy, Frank
Laughlin, Will S. & Gordon Hash
Lepofsky, Dana
Leroi-Gourhan, A.
Lerman, J.C.
Levine, Morton H.
Lewis, Lucien M.
Lewontin, R.C.
Loptain, A.
Lord, J.K.
Lorenzon, Jose
Lotspeich, Frederick B
Lowie, Robert H.
Lowthen, Gordon
Lurie, Nancy Oestreich
Lynch, Thomas F.

<b>Box 15:</b>
<i>Location: 5 - 0102</i>
MacDonald, George F.
MacIver, Robert M.
McFeat, Tom F.S.
Mackay, J.R. & Mathews W.H. & MacNeish R.S.
McKennan, Robert A.
Mackenzie, Alexander
MacLeod, Willaim Christie
MacNeish, R.S.
MacNeish Richard S.
Magne, Martin & Matson R.G.
Malde, Harold E.
Malkin, Borys
Malmer, Mats. P.
Maloud, Carling
Mankind Monographs
Mansinna, L.
Margetts, Edward L.
Markotic , Vladimir

<b>Box 16:</b>
<i>Location: 6 - 0103</i>
Marler, P.
Marsh, Gordon H.
Martijan, Charles A.
Martin, Paul S.
Martin, Rudolf Haarform
Mason, Leonard
Mason, Otis T.
Mason, Ronald J.
Mathews, R.W., & Bordon, C.E., & Rouse, G.E.
Matheny, Ray L.
Magne, M. & Matson, R.G.
Matson, R.G.
Maxwell, Morean S.
Mayer-Oakes, William J.
Mazess, Richard B.
McCartney, A.P.
McClellan, Catherine
McGaugh, Jones L
McIlwraith, T.T.
McKennan, Robert A.
McKusick, Marshall
McMillan, James
Mead, Margaret
Meggers, B.J.
Meighan, C.N.
Meldgaard, Jorges
Menzies, T.P.O.
Mercer, J.H.
Mesthene, Emmanuel G.
Michael, Donald N.
Midden, Articles Relating to Wetland Archaeology

<b>Box 17:</b>
<i>Location: 1 - 0104</i>
Millar, James
Millar, James F.V.
Miller, Tom O.
Milliman, John P.
Miner, Horace
Mitchell, Donald H.
Mitchell Donald H.
Mitchel, Donald & Leylan, Donald
Moberg, Carl-Axel
Model, Walter
Montagu, M.F. Ashley
Mollenhus, K.R.
Moorehead, Warren King
Morey, D.F.
Moriarty III, James Robert
Morimoto, M.
Morlan, Richard E.
Morrison, S.
Morton, Richard E.
Moss, Madonna L.
Mrosovsky, N.
Muller-Beck Hansjurgen
Mulvaney, D.J.
Murray, Robert A.
Mulvaney D.J.
Murray, Robert A.
National Museum of Canada
Nelson, Charles M.
Nero, Robert W.
Newell, Norman D.
Nasmth, Hugh

<b>Box 18:</b>
<i>Location: 2 - 0105</i>
Newman, T. Stell
Neuman, Robert W.
Nichols, H.
Nickerson, Gifford S.
Nikityuk, B.A.
Nordquist, Del
North, M.E.A. & Teversham, J.M.
Nottebohm, F.
Oakley, Kenneth P.
Otteking, Bruno
Ogden, J. Gordon
Ohyi, Haruo
Okada, Hiroaki
Okladnikov, A.P.
Olsen, W.H. & Riddell, F.A.
Olson, Ronald L.
Opler, Marvin K.
Orr, Phil C.
Olson, Ronald
Osborne, Douglas
Oschinsky, Lawrence
Oswalt, Wendell H.
Ovenden, Michael
Orendon, Michael & Rodger, D.H.
Parsons, Jeffrey R
Payen, Louis A.
Pearson, Richard J.
Peck, Lorne A.
Peckham, S.

<b>Box 19:</b>
<i>Location: 3 - 0106</i>
Pei, W.C.
Pendergast, James F.
Perkins, Dexter
Petrakis, Nicholas L.
Pettigrew, R.M.
Perry, F.
Pettipas, Leo
Pires-Ferreira, J.W. & Pires - Ferreira, E. & Kaulicked, P.
Picford, A.E.
Platt, John R.
Pokotylo, D.L.
Pohorecky, Z.S.
Popham, Robert E.
Poulianos, A.N.
Powers, H.A. & Wilcox, R.E.
Premack, David
Prufer, Olaf H.
Public Arch
Quimby, George I.
Ray Dorothy
Reagan, Albert
Reed, Erik K.
Reeves, Brian
Rice, David G.
Rickard, T.A.
Riddell, Francis A.
Ridington, Robin
Ridley, Frank

<b>Box 20:</b>
<i>Location: 4 - 0107</i>
Rigsby, Bruce
Ritchie, William A.
Roberts, Jr. Frank H.H.
Robinson, J. Lewis
Robinson, Sheila
Rodden, Robert J.
Rogers, Edward S.
Rohner, Ronald P.
Royce, Joseph R.
Romer, Alfred Sherwood
Rouse, Irving
Rowe, John Howland
Rowlett, Ralph M.
Rowley, Graham
Roymans, N.
St. Pierre, Paul
Sanger, David

<b>Box 21:</b>
<i>Location: 5 - 0108</i>
Sanger, David
Sarich, Vincent M.
Schaeffer, Claude E.
Schmid-Kocher, Christine
Schopf, J. William
Schuster, Carl
Schweiger, Charles E.
Serizawa, Chosuke
Service, Elman
Shackley, Myra
Sewell, John Henry
Shane, Audrey Mackay
Shaw, David M.
Simonsen, Poul
Shiner, Joel L.
Smith, Jason
Smith, Harlan I.
Sprague, Roderick
Shutler, Mary Elizabeth

<b>Box 22:</b>
<i>Location: 6 - 0109</i>
Shutler, Jr. Richard
Simenstad, C.A. & Estes, J.A. & Kenyon, K.W.
Simons, E.L. & Pilbeam, D.
Simpson, George Gaylord
Slaymake, Olav
Sly, Kyle L.
Smiley, Terah L.
Smith, C. Earle
Smith, Carlyle S.
Smith, Harlan I.
Smith, W. John
Smith, Philip E.L.
Smith, Valeaue L.
Smithsonian Inst.
Smith, Harlan & Fowke, Gerard
Solecki, Ralph S.
Solheim, Wilhelm G.
Snyder, Warren A.
Southwick, Charles H.
Spence, Michael W.
Spencer, Robert F.
Spores, Ronald
Stanley, D.A. & Page, G.M. & Shutler, R.
Steen-McIntyre, Virginia
Stephenson, Robert L.
Stewart, T.D.
Stirling, M.W.
Storey, Susanne
Struever, S.
Stryd, A.H.
Stuckenrath, Jr. Robert
Suttles, Wayne
Swadesh, Morris
Swanson, E.H.
Swanson, Earl H.

<b>Box 23:</b>
<i>Location: 1 - 0110</i>
Swanton, John R.
Takakura, Shinichiro
Taylor, J. Garth
Taylor, R.E.
Taylor, W.E.
Taylor, Walter W.
Taylor, William E.
Tejero, Noemi Castillo
Thacker, T.L.
Thompson, Raymond T.
Thomson, Margaret M.
Thrap, Dan Lincoln
Tobias, Phillip V.
Toltie, W. Fraser
Tolstoy, Paul
Trainer, T. Mason
Triev, Mischa
Tuck, James
Tuohy, Donald R.
Turnbull, Chris
Tuttle, Russell H.
Van Bork-Feltkamp, A.J.
Van Olphen, H.
Vanstone, James W
Vasilevsky, R.S.
Vinnicombe, Patricia
Vogel, J.C.
Vayda, Andrew P.
Von Engel-Baiersdorf, E.C.
Waateringe, W.G. & Pals, J.P
Ealker, Denard E.
Wallace, William J.
Warren, Claude N.
Warren, Harry V.
Washburn, S.L.
Wasley, W.W.

<b>Box 24:</b>
<i>Location: 2 - 0111</i>
Watanabe, Saburo
Waterbolk, H.T.
Waters, John H.
Waxell, Sven
Webb, Wm S.
Weber, Robert
Wedel, Waldo R.
Weinstein, Edwin A.
Welinder, Stig
Wells, Oliver
Wells, Philip V.
Wendorf, F. et. al.
Wethie, Theodore A.
Wheat, Joe Ben
White, J. Peter
White, T.D. & Harris, J.D.
White, Thain
Whitmore, Emery & Cooke
Wicke, Charles R.
Williams, M.Y.
Williamson, R.G.
Willey, Gordon R.
Wilmeth, Roscoe
Wilmsen, Edwin N.
Willoughby, C.C.
Wilson, Edward O.
Wilson, Thomas
Wintenberg, W.J.
Witthoft J., & Eyman F.
Wolpoff, M.
Wood, J.J. & Matson, R.G.
Woodbury, Nathalie F.S.
Woodbury, Richard B.
Woodwell, George M.
Workman William
Wormingston, H.M.
Wright, Henry T.
Wright, J.
Wyatt, David
Yamanouchie, S.
Yinger, J. Milton

Bereich "Anmerkungen"

Physischer Zustand

Abgebende Stelle

Ordnung und Klassifikation

In der Verzeichnungseinheit enthaltene Sprache

Schrift in den Unterlagen

Aufbewahrungsort der Originale

Verfügbarkeit anderer Formate


Bestimmungen, die die Benutzung, Reproduktion und Veröffentlichung regeln.


Verbundene Materialien

Verwandte Materialien


Alternative Identifikatoren/Signaturen




Zugriffspunkt (Thema)

Zugriffspunkte (Ort)

Name Zugriffspunkte

Zugriffspunkt (Genre)

Bereich "Kontrolle"



Regeln und/oder Konventionen





Sprache der Beschreibung

Schrift der Beschreibung

Bereich Zugang

Verwandte Themen

Verwandte Personen und Organisationen

Verwandte Orte

Verwandte Genres

Physisches Objekt

  • Schachtel: 3 - 0088
  • Schachtel: 4 - 0089
  • Schachtel: 5 - 0090
  • Schachtel: 6 - 0091
  • Schachtel: 1 - 0092
  • Schachtel: 2 - 0093
  • Schachtel: 3 - 0094
  • Schachtel: 4 - 0095
  • Schachtel: 5 - 0096
  • Schachtel: 6 - 0097
  • Schachtel: 1 - 0098
  • Schachtel: 2 - 0099
  • Schachtel: 3 - 0100
  • Schachtel: 4 - 0101
  • Schachtel: 5 - 0102
  • Schachtel: 6 - 0103
  • Schachtel: 1 - 0104
  • Schachtel: 2 - 0105
  • Schachtel: 3 - 0106
  • Schachtel: 4 - 0107
  • Schachtel: 5 - 0108
  • Schachtel: 6 - 0109
  • Schachtel: 1 - 0110
  • Schachtel: 2 - 0111