- Archief08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Reeks02 - Reading Room Series
- 144 more...
- StukI144 - Hoko River: A review of lithic, linguistic, ethnographic, and basketry evidence for ethnicity
- StukI145 - Stselax Village, DhRt2: Analysis of Glass and Ceramic Artifacts
- StukI146 - Analysis of the Katz (DiRj 1) Site Nephrite Industry
- StukI147 - Making Choices: Examining Musqueam Agency at Stselax Village During the Post-Contact Period
- StukI148 - The Charles Culture of the Gulf of Georgia
- StukI149 - A Preliminary Analysis of Flotation Samples from Hatzic Rock (DgRn 23)
- StukI150 - Some Notes on an Archaeological Investigation Made at Marpole, B. C. during February, March, and April, 1949
- StukI151 - Lithic Materials at Musqueam
- StukI152 - A Comparitive Analysis of Ground Slate Knives from the Gulf of Georgia Region
- 72 more...