- 8-02-I212
- Stuk
- 25 September 2003
Part of Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
This item is a paper written as course work for Anthropology 406 instructed by R. G. Matson at the University of British Columbia.
Julian Yballe
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Part of Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
This item is a paper written as course work for Anthropology 406 instructed by R. G. Matson at the University of British Columbia.
Julian Yballe
Archaeological salvage excavation at DgRv 9 - Valdes Island
Part of Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
This item is a paper written for the B. C. Hydro Gas Group to excavate the area in conflict with the laying of a pipeline on Valdes Island in 1981. Archaeological activity was conducted under Heritage Conservation Act permit # 81-9.