DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site



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Hiërarchische termen

DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site

DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site

Gelijksoortige termen

DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site

  • UF DhRt-3
  • UF Musqueam North

Verwante termen

DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site

15 Results for DhRt3 Musqueam North Archaeological Site

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DhRt-3 Anthropology 406 project fonds, 1989

  • 07.2
  • Archief
  • 1989

This fonds contains four maps created during the field school run by the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia in 1989.

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-3 project fonds

  • 07.1FNF
  • Archief
  • [ca. 1948-1968]

This fonds contains records relating to archaeological work done by Charles Borden at the DhRt-3 Musqueam North site. The series in this fonds are: Artifact catalogues, Field notes, Photographs, and maps.

Charles E. Borden

Anthropolog [sic] 420 Site Report (DhRt 3:)

This item is a paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420 at the University of British Columbia. The paper seeks to reconstruct the cultural history of DhRt-3 by looking at ethnographic information, existing archaeological data,...

W. V. Swarchuk

Archaeological Investigations of DhRt3

This item is a term paper written as part of the coursework for Anthropology 420, instructed by Dr. Charles Borden. This paper provides an analysis of one test pit from the 1967-1968 field school and artifacts collected from the surface over a nu...

Carolyn Johson

Developments in B.C. Prehistoric Art

This item is a paper written for Anthropology 203 instructed by Dr. Robert Pearson at the University of British Columbia. This paper examines the archaeological record of art from a variety of sites in the region spanning from the Fraser Canyon to...

Margaret Holm