- Fundo08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Série02 - Reading Room Series
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- ItemI200 - Defleshing a Trumpeter Swan (Olor buccinator)
- ItemI201 - Analysis and interpretation of faunal remains from a complex site in the Fraser Delta region of British Columbia: Glenrose Cannery DgRr 6
- ItemI202 - The archaeology of the Lochnore-Nesikep locaility, British Columbia: Final report
- ItemI203 - Disposing of the Dead: A shell midden cemetery in British Columbia's Gulf of Georgia region
- ItemI204 - Excavations at Anahim Lake, British Columbia, second season
- ItemI205 - 1974 salvage excavations at teh Buckley Bay Site (DjSf 13) and the Tsable River Bridge Site (DjSf 14): a preliminary report
- ItemI206 - Archaeological resource overview Stave Falls power plant replacement project
- ItemI207 - Archaeological overview assessment proposed Coquitlam River dike upgrade Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, B. C.
- ItemI208 - Ritual and ceremonial sculpture of teh Tsawwassen Peninsula
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