- Archief08.1 - Laboratory of Archaeology fonds
- Reeks02 - Reading Room Series
- 99 more...
- StukI099 - Perishable Materials Recovered from DjRi 5
- StukI100 - Two Basketry Fragments from Lulu Island
- StukI101 - Residual Analysis of Certain Artifacts
- StukI102 - An Analysis and Comparison of the Food Gathering Economy and the Food Producing Economy
- StukI103 - Field Manual for the Collection and Processing of Floatation Samples
- StukI104 - Archaeological Investigations at Tselax Village, Musqueam Reserve, Vancouver, B.C.
- StukI105 - Lab Report on nephrite, quartz crystals, and miscellaneous artifacts from DiRj1
- StukI106 - Preliminary Report of Excavations at the Glenrose Cannery Site, (DgRr6) October 15 to October 24 1971
- StukI107 - Archeaeological [i.e. Archaeological] Investigations at Tselax' Village, Muqueam Indian Reserve, Vancouver, B.C.
- 117 more...