- FundoLoAA31 - Ellis Pryce-Jones fonds
- SérieS4 - Ellis Pryce-Jones Collection of Books and Reports
- Dossiê/ProcessoF1 - The Great Fraser Midden Booklets
- Dossiê/ProcessoF11 - An Act for the Protection of Archaeological and Historic Sites and Objects
- Dossiê/ProcessoF12 - Shell Heaps of the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia
- Dossiê/ProcessoF2 - Indians in Washington [booklet]
- Dossiê/ProcessoF3 - Anthropology in British Columbia, No. 4, 1953 - 54
- Dossiê/ProcessoF4 - Report on the Second Decennial Conference on Native Indian Affairs
- Dossiê/ProcessoF5 - Archaeological Excavations of Indian Middens
- Dossiê/ProcessoF6 - The Upper Stalo Indians of Fraser Valley, British Columbia
- 3 more...