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sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff) Site – DgRs-11 Project fonds: 1969 [ASBC] DgRs9 Tsawwassen Beach Archaeological Site
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This series contains a single file holding the final report for the 1969 excavations at Sƛ̓aləp, DgRs-11 (also known as the English Bluff site) as well as the final report for the 1970 excavations that happened shortly after at the nearby Tsawwass...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Report of an Excavation at DgRs 11 English Bluff, Tsawwassen, 1969 and DgRs 9, Tsawwassen Beach, 1970

This file contains a single final report that dually covers archaeological work done by ASBC at both DgRs-11 (English Bluff site) and DgRs-9 (Tsawwassen Beach) during the years of 1969 and 1970. Because of the extremely close distance between the ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia