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Archivische Beschreibung
Charles E. Borden Nur Beschreibungen auf der obersten Ebene

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Dr. Charles Borden DfRs-3 project fonds

  • 02.1
  • Bestand
  • [1949-1950]

This fonds contains the records related to the archaeological activity performed by Charles Borden and his crew at the Whalen Farm site. This fonds is made up of four series: Photographs, Artifact catalogues, Field notes, and Maps.

Charles E. Borden

DhRs-1 Marpole site Charles Borden Project fonds

  • 05.1
  • Bestand
  • 1949-1950, 1955, 1957-1958

This fonds contains the records produced by archaeological activity performed by Dr. Charles Borden at the DhRs-1 site. Borden employed students and First Nations people to work/volunteer on this digs. He used mostly used excavation techniques t...

Charles E. Borden

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-2 project fonds

  • 06.1 FNF
  • Bestand
  • 1947-1960

This fonds contains all the records created during work performed for projects conducted by Charles Borden at DhRt-2 Musqueam East archaeological site. The fonds contains four series: Artifact catalogues, field notes, photographs, and maps.

Charles E. Borden

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-3 project fonds

  • 07.1FNF
  • Bestand
  • [ca. 1948-1968]

This fonds contains records relating to archaeological work done by Charles Borden at the DhRt-3 Musqueam North site. The series in this fonds are: Artifact catalogues, Field notes, Photographs, and maps.

Charles E. Borden

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-4 Project Fonds

  • 09.1
  • Bestand
  • 1951-1969, 1972-1975

This fonds consists of records generated during archaeological activity at the DhRt-4 site over a course of three years. The records have been divided into three series based on their function: Field notes, Artifact Catalogue, and Photographs. T...

Charles E. Borden

Dr. Charles Borden DhRt-5 project fonds

  • 11.1
  • Bestand
  • 1946-1948, 1966

This fonds contains records created during archaeological activity at the Point Grey site. This work does not have temporal continuity. Charles Borden worked at the site early in his career collecting artifacts from the surface and then years la...

Charles E. Borden

DjRi 3 Milliken Project, Charles Borden

  • 17.1
  • Bestand
  • 1956-1961

This fonds contains the records related to the archaeological activity performed by Charles Borden and his crew at the DjRi 3 Milliken archaeological site. The work done at this site occurred over 6 years. This fonds consists of four series: Art...

Charles E. Borden

Tweedsmuir Project fonds

  • LoAA22
  • Bestand
  • 1951-1980; predominant 1951-1952

The Tweedsmuir fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity in response to the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name "Tweedsmuir Project" conducted by Charles E. Borden and othe...

Charles E. Borden

Chunlac [Chinlac] Village Site – GaRv-1 Project fonds

  • LoAA34-1
  • Bestand
  • 1950 - 1952, 1978 - 1980; predominant 1950 - 1952.

The Chunlac [Chinlac] Village Project fond contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity that took place at Chunlac including the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name “Chinlac” by Dr. Charles E...

Charles E. Borden