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Test Pit H6 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit H6 duringthe 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happe...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit H10 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit H10 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major hap...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit I9 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit I9 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Site Notebook

This file consists of a small, black notebook with hand-written entries about stratigraphic levels encountered during the excavations that were apart of the 1969 ASBC archaeological activities at the DgRs-11 site. “Archaeological Society of Britis...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit D2 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit D2 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit E6 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit E6 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit F6 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit F6 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit G6 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit G6 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Test Pit G9 Logs

This file consists of daily log forms for archaeological excavations at test pit G9 during the 1969 ASBC-led archaeological work carried out at DgRs-11. The forms record progress on excavations, the day certain areas were excavated, and major happ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Report of an Excavation at DgRs 11 English Bluff, Tsawwassen, 1969 and DgRs 9, Tsawwassen Beach, 1970

This file contains a single final report that dually covers archaeological work done by ASBC at both DgRs-11 (English Bluff site) and DgRs-9 (Tsawwassen Beach) during the years of 1969 and 1970. Because of the extremely close distance between the ...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia

Resultados 1 a 20 de 32