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Field Notes and Drawings

File contains the field notes from archaeologists from Sources, Hartley Odwak, as well as Wayne Point from Musqueam First Nation, and Rudy Reimer from the Squamish First Nation. It also contains several profile and site drawings mostly drawn by Ru...

Sources Archaeological and Heritage Research Inc.

sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff) Site – DgRs-11 Project fonds: 1969 [ASBC]

  • LoAA15-1
  • Fonds
  • 1969 - 1976, predominant 1969.

This fonds consists of material from the archaeological survey and excavation carried out by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia at DgRs-11 in Delta, under HCA permit 1969-0019. Textual records include reports, field notes, corresponden...

Archaeological Society of British Columbia