This fonds consists of records generated during archaeological activity at the DhRt-4 site over a course of three years. The records have been divided into three series based on their function: Field notes, Artifact Catalogue, and Photographs. T...
This file contains 3 folders of notes created during archaeological activity at the DhRt-4 site. The notes contain daily entries and plans. The notes indicate the participation of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia field school.
This file contains images taken using the Konica camera on the seventh roll of film during the 1972 archaeological excavations. The images are made up of profile shots of several units. The later half of the roll contains images of members of th...
This file contains images taken during work at the Musqueam North East archaeological site. Images show crew working, wet site excavations, ASBC field schools, and units.
This fonds consists of materials relating to excavations by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia (ASBC) carried out at two sites: DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) and DgRs-11 Sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff, Tsawwassen). The majority of materials...
This series contains artifact catalogues and descriptions from the Archaeological Society of British Columbia, pertaining to the DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) site.This series is arranged into two files, located in Oversized Box 1.
This file consists of two artifact catalogues detailing lithic and faunal findings from the DgRs-9 site. One is from 1970 and handwritten on lined paper. The other is a more recent, reformatted version of the list, from 2004.
This series contains site logs and supervisor’s reports from excavations at the DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) site, from the ASBC.This series is arranged into seven files, located in Box 2.