This fonds consists of material from the AIA and site alteration project carried out by Sources Archaeological & Heritage Consultants at [address withheld] which falls within the DhRt-6 Locarno Beach site boundaries, under HCA permit 2005-0001...
This series consists of field notes and profile and site drawings produced during the excavations that took place during the AIA conducted by Sources under HCA 2005-0001 and HCA 2005-0181 within the site boundaries of DhRt-6, the Locarno Beach Sit...
File contains the field notes from archaeologists from Sources, Hartley Odwak, as well as Wayne Point from Musqueam First Nation, and Rudy Reimer from the Squamish First Nation. It also contains several profile and site drawings mostly drawn by Ru...
This file consists of a CD containing photographs taken with an accompanying record of photos taken. Photographs were of the site during the project, including crew photos, photos of archaeology and construction crew working, excavations, wall pro...
This file consists of a CD containing photographs taken with an accompanying record of photos taken. Photographs were of the site during the project, including crew photos, photos of archaeology and construction crew working, excavations, wall pro...
This series consists of the final report which summarizes the results of an AIA and monitoring of a residential of residential lot at [address redacted], Vancouver, BC for both permit 2005-0181 and 2005-0001. A CD copy of the final report can be f...
This file consists of the AIA report prepared for Margot Innes Design Consultants. The report summarizes the project conducted under HCA permit 2003-0308 and falls within the established boundaries of the Locarno Beach site – DhRt-6. An alteration...
This series consists of correspondence that took place between LOA and Sources regarding the arrangement of the deposit of archival material and 6 artifacts and copies of the FN permits issued to Sources.
This file consists of correspondence between Sources and the Lab of Archaeology with regards to LOA the arrangement of archaeological and archival material during the AIA of a property within the known boundaries of the Locarno Beach Site – DhRt-6...
This fonds consists of materials relating to excavations by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia (ASBC) carried out at two sites: DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) and DgRs-11 Sƛ̓aləp (English Bluff, Tsawwassen). The majority of materials...
This series contains artifact catalogues and descriptions from the Archaeological Society of British Columbia, pertaining to the DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) site.This series is arranged into two files, located in Oversized Box 1.
This file consists of two artifact catalogues detailing lithic and faunal findings from the DgRs-9 site. One is from 1970 and handwritten on lined paper. The other is a more recent, reformatted version of the list, from 2004.
This series contains site logs and supervisor’s reports from excavations at the DgRs-9 ća·yǝm (Tsawwassen Beach) site, from the ASBC.This series is arranged into seven files, located in Box 2.