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Tweedsmuir Project fonds

  • LoAA22
  • Fundo
  • 1951-1980; predominant 1951-1952

The Tweedsmuir fonds contains all of the records related to the archaeological activity in response to the archaeological survey and excavation project conducted under the name "Tweedsmuir Project" conducted by Charles E. Borden and othe...

Charles E. Borden


Series contains print photographs, negatives, slides and contact sheets taken during the 1951 Tweedsmuir project survey and the 1952 Tweedsmuir project excavations. Textual records include photographic records, envelopes, and paper labels associat...

Tweedsmuir Survey Slides Leica VII-XII

File consists of twenty-eight (28) 35mm b&w slides taken at archaeological sites and points of interest along Ootsa Lake, Euchu Lake, and Natalkuz Lake. Some slides are annotated to describe what they depict, which includes archaeological site...

FiSi-7, BC Sites Photo File Leica 51 X

File contains one b&w photograph showing a cultural depression (House Pit #3) identified at archaeological site FiSi-7. A line level extends across the depression to make the archaeological feature more visible within the frame.

FiSi-16, BC Sites Photo File Leica 51 X11

File contains one b&w photograph showing a view from archaeological site FiSi-16. The image is taken across a water feature, showing a general landscape view of the site's surroundings.

FjSj-3, BC Sites Photo File

File contains one b&w photograph showing surface finds observed on the beach at archaeological site FjSj-3. Surface finds are described as detritus, also known as stone tool debitage.

FjSk-2, BC Sites Photo File

File contains three b&w photographs showing views of archaeological site FjSk-2, taken from across the water. The first two photographs are taken from a boat and largely show water with the outline of a landform in the background. The third ph...

FjSk-3, BC Sites Photo File

File contains two b&w photographs of a dugout canoe and paddles sitting in an open grassy area. Photographs are labelled as “FjSk-3” on the reverse side.

FkSl-3, BC Sites Photo File

File contains three b&w photographs taken at archaeological site FkSl-3 (Cadle Site). The first photograph shows Alan Bryan sitting in a cultural depression (Pit No. 1). The second photograph depicts a southern view of a trench excavated throu...

FkSl-13, BC Sites Photo File

File contains two b&w photographs related to archaeological site FkSl-13. The first photograph depicts Alan Bryan sitting in a cultural depression at FkSl-13. The second photograph is taken from FkSl-13 and looks across Ootsa Lake towards and ...

FkSm-4, BC Sites Photo File

File contains one b&w photograph depicting bark stripped culturally modified trees (CMTs) at archaeological site FkSm-4.

Tweedsmuir Fisi-19 to FkSl-3, BC Sites Photo File

File contains four b&w photographs with glued paper labels. Images depict Charles Borden, the archaeological crew with a moose that they hunted (including Jack Sewell, Charles Borden, and Alan Bryan), and the archaeological crew travelling by ...

Tweedsmuir Survey - 1951 General Views, BC Sites Photo File

File contains twenty b&w photographs taken during the Tweedsmuir survey. Photos depict Chelaslie Lake (taken from Mount Swanell), archaeological crew members, a bark-stripped spruce tree, the archaeological crew’s boat docked on the shore of O...

Tweedsmuir Excavations, Negatives and Prints, camera roll II

File consists of the photographic records for one camera roll (II), including negatives, corresponding photographic prints (frames 2-12), and a photo log (1 Page) describing the images. One print was not developed due to a spoiled negative. Images...

Tweedsmuir Park Survey, Bob Steiner Photos

File contains 26 print photographs depicting the archaeological crew’s camp site, waterfalls, general landscape shots taken from the water, general landscape shots taken from higher elevation on the land, an inhabited log cabin residence, the arch...

Robert "Bob" Steiner

Tweedsmuir Survey, BC Sites Photo File

File contains 36 smaller print photographs that were found in the BC Sites Photofile clipped together with a piece of cardstock labelled as “51 twt. 120”. The photographs depict a log cabin residence, the survey boat, general landscape shots taken...

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